Saturday, March 13, 2010
Please join me in wishing Jeremy a happy birthday! We love you!

October 2010 -- Jeremy's Walk -- Jeremy with the Butler University cheerleaders

October 2010 -- Jeremy's Walk -- Jeremy with the Butler University cheerleaders
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You can't begin to know how happy we are so celebrate this birthday & all birthdays with you! Happy, Joyous Birthday! Love, Mom & Dad
Happy birthday Uncle Jeremy!
Happy birthday Uncle Jeremy!
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from your family on the balmy coast of Virginia.
Much love, Harry and Lilla
Much love, Harry and Lilla
I believe we could have ordered some brighter weather for such an auspicious occasion, but happy birthday anyway!! Stay dry and celebrate well and brightly!
Florence & crew
Florence & crew
I am always late in wishing you a happy birthday, merry christmas or any other special occasion!! So, this year I'm going to tell you twice - happy birthday old man - this way I'm covered for next year. You are one busy dude...I thought my lifestyle was crazy. I know your enjoying every single minute of it!! By the way, you look great next too the cheerleaders!! Go too you soon. Always on my mind and never far from my heart!!
Love ya,
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Love ya,
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