Wednesday, March 25, 2009


A new addition to the family

About three weeks ago this little kitten attached herself to my back door. She sat there, as pictured, for most of the day and night for about a week. Just staring inside my house. Every time I thought she was gone she would reappear from under the deck whenever I approached the door. This, of course, prevented me from being able to go out on the deck. (It's extremely difficult to keep a cat from going in or out while sitting in a wheelchair.)

She first appeared one evening while Jamie, my old roommate, and I were outside. She came up from under the deck and immediately walked over to Jamie. She began purring as she approached. Jamie pet her a little and then she decided to come over to me and rub herself against my wheels. She tried to follow us into the house but Jamie was able to keep her out. However, from that point on she rarely left the door. She didn't make any noise, she just sat outside the door staring in.

Hobbs noticed her pretty quick and spent the first evening sitting on the inside of the door staring at her. She hissed and arched her back when he first approached but then sat back down to continue staring. The few times that she wandered away were the only times that Hobbs made any noise. He almost seemed to miss her when she would walk away.

Since I didn't go back outside I assumed that she would go away after she realized that she wasn't going to get any more attention from us. After about 3 days I realized that she didn't plan on leaving. On the fourth day she figured out that, whenever I went through a particular door in the house (the door to the garage) I didn't come back for a while. On the evening of the fourth day the smart little kitten decided to come around to the front when I went through that door. I had opened the garage door and was just getting into my car when I saw her come running into the garage. She immediately darted under the car.

If it's not easy to corral a cat while sitting in a wheel chair, imagine trying to get a cat out of a garage while walking with prostheses! Eventually I got her to come out from under the car. When I finally started the car she bolted out of the garage, but she didn't go far. I backed out very slowly, then got out of the car in the driveway to ensure that I hadn't run over her, and that she was not in the garage (so that I could close it).

That night, when I returned from a friends birthday dinner, I looked for her as I approached the house and didn't see her. However, as I was getting out of the car she appeared (almost magically) in my garage. I had to call a neighbor to keep her distracted in the driveway so that I could get inside without letting her in! While I was waiting for my neighbor to come out the little kitten was, quite literally, climbing the wheels on my chair in an attempt to get me to pet her!

I had hoped that she would follow my neighbor back to her house, but the kitten just sat in my driveway staring at the closed garage door. My neighbor said that she looked like a sad little child who had been abandoned by her parents. So, I could no longer go out on my deck, or leave the house through the garage, without having to prevent this kitten from getting inside. I was being held hostage in my own house by a kitten!

The next day Mom came over and helped me catch her and I took her to the vet. She didn't put up any fight at all when Mom picked her up, and she just sat peacefully in the cage during the car ride. She's now been declawed and spade and lives inside with Hobbs and I. For the most part Hobbs seems to like her, although I think she wants to play a little more than he does. They're very cute together, and I've even caught him giving her a bath! She's approximately 5 months old, and I'm pretty sure she was born underneath my deck. There were a lot of cats around my backyard during the winter and I'm positive that at least one was living under the deck. Her name is Jasmine.

She is so cute! Hope to get over to see her this weekend!
I think that she is a wonderful addition to your family ! ! ! She knew that she wanted to be a member of the family and when a cat is so determined there isn't much a person can do but make a place for her. Now we need a picture of you, Hobbs and Jasmine.

Love from Virginia Beach,
Lilla and Harry
Nothing better than a cat!! She is now in charge!
Gimme a break. I've never seen a more obvious case of fate!!!!! Good work and dedication Miss Jasmine!! May you snarf many a treat at Jeremy's house! (I also concur with Lilla and Harry) Matt
Sounds like you got yourself a live birthday gift, one that delivered itself.
Good job bookstore kid!!!!
Mrs. B
Happy birthday!! I write this with Hyatt sitting in my lap, purring over the keys. We are down to three cats now--Stephen was able to take Muffin and Shadow back after he finished his apartment lease and moved into a house down the road.
I'm glad it didn't take as long for Hobbs to accept Jasmine as it did for Callie to bow to the inevitable when Hilton and Hyatt moved in with their boundless kitten energy. (She sat on high places and growled for over three months!)
Hyatt sends his congratulations to Jassie.
Love, Florence
Ok, as I'm wiping away the tears...geez, why do I read your blog on Monday's? inspiring? I love cats, I have 4 of them and if anything were to happen to anyone of them I think I would seriously lose my mind. They are such a part of the family. Well, alright can't wait to see Ms. Jasmine...

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