Friday, May 16, 2008


Another Surgery?

I had a followup with the Amputee Clinic at Wishard yesterday. There's a new head of surgery who wants to do a revision on my left stump and remove the abnormal bone in my left hip. The revision is because of the nerve issues that I've been experiencing. The removal of the bone, which I didn't think was possible, would allow me to stand straighter, regain mobility in my left hip, and allow the bone and muscles to strengthen. The benefits are tremendous, my only concern is the slim chance that I wouldn't be able to walk at all. I'm on the surgery schedule for May 30th. I'll meet with the surgeon next Thursday to discuss the risks again.

If you haven't read the last update, be sure to read below. There are great pictures!

Best wishes with the surgery. Take care my friend.
We will keep you (and the surgical team)in prayer. May you have a completely uneventful and boring surgery and recovery!
Florence said it all. Your family is here to support you from near or far.
Harry and Lilla
strength from family - friends - and above all - prayer! We're all with you.

Prayers from our house, too, Jeremy.

Heather & Ronnie
Holly, Anna, and Ellie
So you're not completely sure you're gonna do this surgery? Sounds like it would qualify you for more P.T.; you're not just trying to get to do more P.T. are you? :)
I hope your eyes are healed up and doing well! and I love the pictures!!
Good Luck for the surgery!

And hopefully see you soon...I'm finally moving to Indy beginning of June! So we'll have to catch up, its been almost two years.

Take care

Annie xx
I had lasik, too. So did Ron. My husband Scott wants to have it, but it will be a while before we get our economic stimulus ceck to help pay for it.
I bet your doc who did the Lasik was more friendly than mine. Three years out I still have 20/20 vision, though.
I hope Jeff Saturday likes my recipes. He hasn't called me to be his personal baker yet though.
You can teach Sunday School tomorrow if you want, we don't have anyone on the list. Are you in town this weekend? I might be the only one in class.
Do you have another job lined up yet? You are worrying me, but I am glad you can stay busy, even if you can't pay the bills with volunteerism.
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