Wednesday, July 18, 2007



This past week has been a week of surprises. As many of you know I have been expecting to receive the new feet pretty soon. To my surprise, last week I received a voicemail from the Prosthetists office informing me that "everything for my new legs had arrived except for my left foot" and that they wanted me to call make an appointment for this coming Friday! When I spoke with them I found out that my left foot was on back order but that they expected to receive it this week. (I found this hilarious!) I got clarification from them that I would be receiving the C-Legs as well as the C-Walks at my next appointment. Yes folks, they're here!

Unfortunately the Prosthetist got an update yesterday and the left foot is still on back order and they don't expect to get it in until after the 28th. So, I won't actually be getting them this week but, that's okay, as we are going to Michigan on Sunday for vacation and I really didn't want to try to learn how to use them without working with Renee first. This also means that I won't be doing the blog next week (due to the vacation). Hopefully the next time do an update I'll have the new legs and can tell you all about it!

The second big surprise was one that my family and friends have been keeping secret for some time. On Saturday night we went to the People's Burn Foundation Summer Ice Fund Raiser. There's a rumor out there that I didn't want to go. That's not true. I was looking forward to it, it just came at a very busy time and I was feeling the compression of too many events going on at once. It is true that I wasn't looking forward to getting dressed up.

I don't like wearing a tie anymore. When I have I've been very uncomfortable. During a conversation with Renee at the dinner I finally realized that the collar of a dress shirt with a tie reminds me of the stabilizing collar that was around my neck when I woke up in the hospital. However, I did look good.

It was a beautiful evening at the Indiana Roof Ballroom, with great food, great company, and great entertainment. After the dessert was served they had a presentation and gave out some awards. About half way through the awards presentation I started to wonder how my family had managed to get a table that was at the very front of the room. (granted we were all the way over on the side) Then it dawned on me that Dr. Sood, the burn doctor and plastic surgeon who took care of me in the Burn Unit, was sitting at the next table.

Eventually Dr. Sood was called up to the podium. The first words out of his mouth were "On October 22nd of 2005..." I believe there I reacted in a very visible way. Dr. Sood went on to tell the story of my injuries, surgeries, infections, and rehabilitation. He also spoke about me walking in for my last appointment, visiting with other patients, and the quest to raise money for the C-Legs. I was even more surprised when he announced that we would be selling cookbooks after the presentations, and that I would be signing them.

Dr. Sood awarded me with the Sushila Sood Champion of Courage Award. Dr. Sood chooses the recipient of this award. It's a tremendous honor, one that I'm not sure I deserve, as I don't view my recovery as courageous, I simply view it as living life. All the same, I'm very proud, and thankful to have this award.

After the ceremony we sold over 130 cookbooks. I signed cookbooks from about 9:30pm until about 11:30 pm. And yes, my hand was definitely tired, and my signature suffered, by the time I was done.

Of course you deserve it you goon!!!! What a great surprise! Good news about the legs, too! Congratulations!!!

Jeremy... We will certainly excuse you from updating the blog next Wednesday, since we will also be vacationing next week at Lake Anna (fifty miles northwest of Richmond) and without any means to connnect to the internet. BUT DONT'S BE LATE THE FOLLOWING WEEK!! We are very proud of you and the award. You are a most worthy honoree!!!

Harry and Lilla
I'm writing from Tenn where I am vacationing with my in-laws. We were all so happy to hear of the award and, of course, we all feel it was greatly deserved. We appreciate all the Burn Unit has done for you and your family.
We were also very please to see some pictures of the event. It was great to finally put a face with the name "Renee" that we all have grown to love and respect. She has truly been a godsend to you.
To say we are proud of you would be putting it mildly. You are truly an awsome guy and we love you!
Cousin Lisa
Those of us who have been watching the events of the past years without a doubt know that you have earned your reward over and over. Modesty will get you no where on this one. Be just as proud of yourself as we are of you. Vacations...we'll be along the south shore of Lake Superior tent camping with Eric and Jared and families for two weeks. I'll catch up with you the second week on the town's internet service if it's working. That's what happens in the U P. We love you a big bunch, hero guy!
Didn't we sing there in highschool?
What a beautiful setting for an outstanding night.
Congratulations...not just on the award, but on "living life".
Just accept the fact that you are pretty amazing...if I remember right you had no issues with that back when we were going out.
Hi Jeremy,
The message from Lela caught my attention ... Lake Superior! We visited my favorite lake last month for our anniversary and spent some time on the south shore of Lake Superior. The U.P. is a great place for vacations! Lighthouses are neat places to explore. We tent camped often when our kids were growing up.
We are happy that you received the award and happy that it turned out to be a surprise!
Can't wait to see a picture of you with your new c-legs!
Pam Moore
Ok, this is the part where I go,"I knew you when..." I think that is how this works.
Congratulations on the award, well deserved.
Congratulations on the new legs and feet. It still sounds funny when you write it down but I think we all get the logistics of it.
Well deserved vacation coming up and please, please no water skiing just yet. Relax Jeremy on your vacation and let mother nature remind you how comforting she can be as well.
Expect a huge blog when you get back and don't leave anything out.
Take care, have fun, enjoy yourself, and by all means get some rest !!!
Love you,
You deserve the award! Congratulations!!!!! I love the photo of you and Renee and you do look very good, even if you had to wear a tie!! Have fun in Michigan. You have been doing so much that I am sure you are looking forward to a vacation.
Love, Bruce and Carolyn Armacost
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