Wednesday, April 18, 2007



Unfortunately there's not a lot to report this week. The biggest news I have is that my Father turned 60 on Sunday! On Saturday a close friend of the family, who started her education career at the same time as Dad, treated us all to a fantastic evening out. On Sunday Dad and I watched a couple of silly, stupid movies that Mom wouldn't find entertaining. The family got together to celebrate with a great brunch. Hopefully it was the 60th birthday that Dad wanted.

On Monday I started working full time again. I stopped by the burn unit Monday evening to visit the nurses that watched over me in the nights. It was a wonderful feeling to sit with them, fully clothed, and independent. I had been wanting to visit them for a long time but I waited until I could drive there on my own and walk from the parking garage to the burn unit. I had to rest once, and take a second break to correct the alignment (for lack of a better word) on my legs, before making it all the way into the unit. Unfortunately that delayed my visit, and I was already later than I had planned because I had been held up at work (time, not theft). Due to those two delays I missed a couple of the nurses who are now working the day shift so, eventually, I will need to try again.

In an attempt to truly get back to full time (50 hours/wk) I've been staying later each day this week than I had in past weeks. Today marked the first time that I've worked three days in a row and, I've gotta say, I'm tired. This week is an important week so I'm actually going to go in on Saturday as well. We'll see how I feel at the end of the week.

I also worked in a therapy session with Renee before work this morning. We worked on balance, no new improvement there. Although, I should let everyone know that I've gotten to a point where I can stand pretty easily as long as I have minimal contact with a solid/stable object. We also determined that there are still more adjustments that need to be made to the legs so, next week I'll be squeezing that in before my daily drive to Greencastle. I guess I need to accept that the new "normal" for me still equates to busy.

Even though we haven't emailed in a while I have still been checking out your posts. Every time I read them my heart is so full of joy that it brings tears to my eyes! I am so glad this time has come for you!!! I feel like a proud mom (even though I'm (slightly) younger than you! tee hee)!
Is there really such a thing as a normal day anymore? I haven't had a "normal" day in years and my life is not near as eventful as yours.

The way I look at it, if "normal" is a day when only scheduled things happen (in their alotted time no less) and nothing happens to throw the day off, then I've never had one. Therefore, by definition, if I had such a day (called "normal") it would be unusual and therefore not normal!!!

How about you just look at each day as a surprise, Cousin! Take normal out of your vocab. Normal used to be a "just a setting on a dryer" but now they've even taken that off the newer models!

Just something to think about - and no, I haven't been drinking!

Love from the beach,
Hi Jeremy,
After reading Lisa's comments about normal being a setting on a dryer, I decided to tell you that there is a book titled "Normal is Just a Setting on your Dryer". The author's name escapes me; it's not Erma Bombeck but another similar humor writer. Because bad things happen to good people and life gets a little wacky sometimes, we all need humor and laughter ... and ice cream, of course!
Pam Moore
Hi Jeremy :)

I've been having computer troubles and so haven't read your blog for a while and wow I missed a lot!

Congratulations on getting your car and being back at work full-time. Its sounds like you are doing amazingly!

Also Happy belated Birthday!

I'll be back to reading the blog weekly again :)

Take care. Miss ya xx
Jerm - have you gotten a new kitty cat yet? Great article in the paper this week about pets. How they fit into your lifestyle, just curious if you have found one yet?
I have to admit I'm tired of working too..although I think your definition of being tired is a lot different than mine but yet, I find myself tired a lot lately.
Glad to hear Renee is still on the scene, I was beginning to miss her myself.
Don't work too hard...listen to your body and take some time to re-energize ok !!
Ok, so when I go to dry my hair now "normal" button won't be the same....
Have a great week !!
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