Thursday, January 04, 2007
Goodbye to 2006
Well, after all the activity of the holidays things are starting to slow down. On New Years Eve we had a gathering at Mom and Dad's house. There were many people there from church, IPS, and other random connections. I was surprised to discover that random friends of the family had connections that we never knew about. It was kind of a lesson in six degrees of separation. That can get pretty confusing so it is not this weeks highlight. It's just an interesting observance.
After everyone headed off to their next New Years Eve stop Mom and dad took my home where my roommate and I rang in the new year with a movie and a game of cribbage. On new years day I resurrected my old tradition of sitting on the couch in my pj's watching movies. It was the start of a fairly quiet week. Yesterday was a little busy with a lunch with some good friends, dinner with the family, and then Mom, Dad, Sarah, Madeline, and I went to see Annie at Clowes Hall. While going to my seat at Clowes I had the revelation that, as long as we're on the main floor, I don't need to worry about accessible seating!
Over the last week I've been asked a couple of times if I was happy to see 2006 end. I found myself thinking about what a hard year it had been. From the beginning of my on going therapy, to the unexpected surgeries and subsequent infections, with the continued battle with the prostheses. There have been a wealth of challenges this year and many times I have wished that I wasn't going through this. But, the fact remains that I am going through it.
With every difficulty this year there has been an equal improvement. Without the surgery to remove the abnormal bone in my left leg I wouldn't have been able to walk without pain. I could have done without the infections but they certainly gave me a better appreciation of my current state of health. My ability to walk has improved considerably. 2007 will bring a new car, permanent prostheses, and increased independence. 2006 has been a difficult year but it was a good one. It brought me to this point, a point where I can look foreword with optimism.
After everyone headed off to their next New Years Eve stop Mom and dad took my home where my roommate and I rang in the new year with a movie and a game of cribbage. On new years day I resurrected my old tradition of sitting on the couch in my pj's watching movies. It was the start of a fairly quiet week. Yesterday was a little busy with a lunch with some good friends, dinner with the family, and then Mom, Dad, Sarah, Madeline, and I went to see Annie at Clowes Hall. While going to my seat at Clowes I had the revelation that, as long as we're on the main floor, I don't need to worry about accessible seating!
Over the last week I've been asked a couple of times if I was happy to see 2006 end. I found myself thinking about what a hard year it had been. From the beginning of my on going therapy, to the unexpected surgeries and subsequent infections, with the continued battle with the prostheses. There have been a wealth of challenges this year and many times I have wished that I wasn't going through this. But, the fact remains that I am going through it.
With every difficulty this year there has been an equal improvement. Without the surgery to remove the abnormal bone in my left leg I wouldn't have been able to walk without pain. I could have done without the infections but they certainly gave me a better appreciation of my current state of health. My ability to walk has improved considerably. 2007 will bring a new car, permanent prostheses, and increased independence. 2006 has been a difficult year but it was a good one. It brought me to this point, a point where I can look foreword with optimism.
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Jeremy knows how to play cribbage! How many degrees of separation is that? Maybe we can get together some time for a few games. My most frequent opponent is Harley the bear on the computer, but I think the computer stacks the deck in his favor.
We've been following your progress from the day of the accident, and I am amazed at your attitude. A Spirit shines through you.
Bill Moore
We've been following your progress from the day of the accident, and I am amazed at your attitude. A Spirit shines through you.
Bill Moore
What is cribbage? Food comes to mind but after reading your reader's comments, I don't think we are on the same page.
Yes, what a year Jeremy. But that is behind you and we are poised to move forward. Love the attitude, keep it up!! It's contagious.
New year, new adventures, keep us posted on your endeavors.
Love ya and think about you often, your forever in my prayers honey!
Yes, what a year Jeremy. But that is behind you and we are poised to move forward. Love the attitude, keep it up!! It's contagious.
New year, new adventures, keep us posted on your endeavors.
Love ya and think about you often, your forever in my prayers honey!
Happy New Year Jeremy! Although what I've gone through healthwise in 2006 has been nowhere near what you have been going through, nonetheless, it's been challenging. My health has actually improved as has yours! We both have a reason to look forward to what 2007 will bring! I hope that Betsy and I can get back over there soon or at least meet your mom and see you in Greencastle. Hang in there - you're getting where you need to be to have independence again. Who thought we'd have to tell you THAT in your 30's?!
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