Thursday, October 26, 2006


How I spent the anniversary

So I found myself wavering back and forth on what I wanted to do on the anniversary of the accident. People kept asking me what I was going to do. In the end I really felt like I should spend it like any other day. However, my family wanted to be with me that evening so we did have a nice dinner at my home. The house still smells of fried apples and bacon!

We went to breakfast before church, the usual Sunday morning, although we were a bit late and we had to park across the street. I walked across the street, stepped over the curb, went up the ramp and into the restaurant. That was a little bit more than normal but definitely a step in the right direction.

When we arrived at church we were greeted by a "happy anniversary!" Stated by the security guard whose always ready to help me in. For a moment I thought that it was a strange thing to say but, as the day wore on I came to the realization that it is a happy anniversary, in that everyone involved in the accident survived. Before Sunday school I visited with a young woman from our group who had been the first person from the church group to come to the hospital to support Sarah while the doctors were trying to keep me alive. She told me that she and her family went to Germany shortly afterward and that she had lit a candle for me at every church and cathedral they visited.

As we visited a few others trickled in and I shared with them that I had seen an anger in the mirror that morning that I wasn't really aware of. The others voiced how that wasn't surprising to them and that they thought it was important that I allow myself to feel that anger. I am angry that this has dominated my life for the past year but I am not angry that I've had this past year, and have many more, to overcome that dominance. The warmth and strength of the congregation certainly went a long way to helping me feel better.

Later, after church Renee, with her mother, niece, and nephew in tow, came by to work with me on therapy. Of course therapy was simply the cover for showing her nephew my star wars collection. Stunned fascination was the result! After the kids recovered from room of star wars figures we went to Starbuck's.

I walked out of the house and got in Renee's car and she put the wheelchair in back. When we got to Starbuck's I got out of the vehicle and walked in. We went to the counter where the guys working told me how impressed they were to see me walking. (they've never seen me before but they were still impressed) I got my wallet out, paid for my coffee, and then walked to the table. (Renee carried the coffee) At the table I sat down in a regular chair and the wheelchair stayed in the car. When we were done I stood up from the chair which, didn't have any arms, I walked out, and got in Renee's car. When we got home I got out, walked into the house, and sat down on the couch. Renee brought wheel chair in and headed out with her family.

A few hours later Sarah and Madeline arrived, a little while after that Mom and Dad showed up and we had dinner with my roommate Jamie. Fried apples and bacon with biscuits and pumpkin pie afterwards. It was a lovely fall dinner and a great way to end the anniversary.

Jeremy, Your anniversary sound like it was a wonderful day! I remember that Bill had been down here in Tennessee with my family while I went through some surgical procedures. Needed him here to help with our Mother, who at that time was 91 years old. He had gone to Indy that week-end to meet with Pam and Bob and hopefully Sarah and Madeline for breakfast on Sunday before they went to Sunday School and Church. However, a fried of Sarah's met them with Madeline explaining that you had been in a terrible accident the night before and the prognosis at that point was questionable.

I have kept up with your blogs since they were started by Sarah but even before that I tried to stay informed through Bob and his parents.

Your tenacity and courage have really shown through this past year and it sounds like they are starting to show some really positive results for you and your family.

Please tell Sarah that "Aunt Marilyn", "Uncle Chuck" and Grandma Ruth say "Hi" to her and Madeline.

Our best goes out to you as do our prayers for continued recovery and more good "outings" such as you had on the 22nd.

Marilyn Becker
SOunds like a great way to spend your anniversary! And it sounds like your prgress just continues to be amazing, you're walking everywhere!

This blog has definately been a great thing for me over the last year, being so far away.

Keep up the GREAT work and the blog. I'll be over for a visit in Jan so maybe we can try and meet up. Obviously something to be sorted out nearer the time though.

Loadsa love princess Annie x x
You know people say "I can't believe you have come so far" you know what I say about that? I can...
You are a solid piece of HOPE for the rest of us.
Congrats on your recent accomplishments my dear. Now, when I open up your blog I can't wait see what new and exciting things you have done in a week. Your getting things done faster than we are in Iraq, maybe you should run for president.
Keep up the good, hard work honey you never stop amazing me....
Love ya,
Hello Jeremy, it was nice to meet you at the wedding. It seems a long time ago now. Hope to meet you next time we're in Indy.
I think many of us have been remembering, the past couple of weeks. You have earned all the plaudits that have come your way with your hard work these last months. (Is it almost 9 months since you began serious rehab?) I just reread the last few blog entries and you are just advancing by leaps and bounds (pun intended...)
I was thinking about the anger you have realized about the past year: sometimes we choose our 'adventures,' but sometimes the ones that 'choose' us are ones no one in his right mind would ever even consider. You are a very different person than you were a year ago, and the legs are the smallest part of that. You are more matured and have passed through (and triumphed at) more tests than most people could imagine. Most people still have the illusion that they have control over their own life while you know that all we can control is our choice of response. You are far ahead of most of us. And we are so thankful for you.
PS. And it must be a family thing: David requested bacon/biscuit/fried apples when he and his fiancee (!!) came for lunch last week after closing on the house on Bancroft.
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