Monday, December 05, 2005


December 5th

Today was a relatively good day for Jeremy. He got to see me-isn't he lucky? :) Actually-he was fever free all day long! He was kept mainly to water today due to yesterday's incident with his stomach-but he was tolerating that just fine and when I was leaving one of his doctors came in to check on him and decided to up the amount of feed through the g-tube again. The best news however is that the Oral Surgeon will be in tomorrow to remove the wires from his jaw! They will be replacing these with rubber bands-which will be pretty strong but should allow for a little more mobility. Jeremy seemed to be in good spirits today and was quite chatty with me-of course I hadn't seen him in several days so we had a lot to discuss. My friends-your prayers are working so keep them up! More tomorrow...

Hey, J-Man:

That is wonderful news about the wires coming out! Keep up the great work. I hope to see you soon.

Great news about the wires! You are doing great Jeremy, keep taking those little baby steps! I had a cold last week so I wasn't able to stop by and visit with you and your family but am hoping to make it back one night this week. I miss you and can't wait to give you a great big hug!
That is great news! Jeremy, you might have some more CDs on the way. I just taught about altruism in my undergraduate social psych class, and as an assignment I gave them the option of writing a paper or making a mix CD for you (no country). Either way, they learn about doing something nice for others. Hopefully some will take advantage of not having to write a paper. :)

Cant wait to see u bud, have been getting over a cold this week. I am so glad to see that the wires are comming out and your constant progress. I only wish I had not been sick twice or I would have seen you by now!! You have some reading to do on this blog when your parents bring in your computer my freind. Keep up the good fight my brother!!

Love Ryan
Jeremy, we continue to read daily to keep up with your progress. I appreciate the updates because I feel like I am there to visit without exposing you to anything. This time of year there are too many bugs in circulation. Jimmy and I would love to visit but will wait until things calm down a bit. Right now you need to focus on YOU and just know the rest of us are by your side even from a distance:)
Sarah, Just want to let you know, I am still praying daily for your brother, Hope you are doing o.k., as well, I am sure this is taking a toll on you, let me know if there is anything I can do. Just thinking of you and your family.take care. Bonnie
Jeremy - Carl Braunlich here from Purdue. Learned about your accident from Jim Goodman a week after it happened. Have been thinking of you and praying for you every since. I will be following your progress on the blog and will meet up with you in the near future. I cannot imagine what you are going through, but I wish you strength and peace. Your Friend, Carl
Hi Jeremy!!
I feel so bad that I have not been able to see you at the hospital but I just wanting to let you know that there is no day that I don't check this web site to see how you are doing.. I can not wait to see you and being able to talk to you!!It is so great to hear good news everyday .I know you will make it
Lots of kisses...
Ana MAria
I seem to be the only person without something communicable. Wait, pregnancy isn't contagious, right? I'm so glad to hear you'll be flapping your jaws again soon! PJs are en route and I hear David and Fizdale are working on getting the wedding webcast so you can be here. I hope we can find a way to come visit again sometime in the not too distant future. We better do it before it's too late for me to fly!
You keep being tough and progressing towards McGriddles and Coke. Hugs and kisses from KC!
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