Thursday, November 10, 2005


Surgery a success!

Just talked to Patty. Jeremy is still in surgery, but the facial surgeon is just finishing up wiring his teeth, which is the last procedure. The Dr. reported that surgery went really well and Jeremy is very stable. :-)

The have done a temporary graft to all the burn areas. Also, they have inserted a trach tube and a g-tube. The trach is an "acute trach", so he will not be able to talk while it is in. The drs. expect to have him off the vent (which is coming through the trach tube) within the next week. At that point, he will have a speaking valve to communicate. Remember, the trach is just temporary, until his jaws are healed.

Sarah had written the other day that Jeremy has been a little more responsive lately. Patty & Robb mentioned that to the doctors and they said for now, his sedation will only be increased if he seems to be in pain or is agitated. So, they anticipate Jeremy will be aware of eveything within the next week. He is not being kept in a drug-induced coma anymore.

I didn't ask Patty about Jeremy's fever/infection, and I will try to remember to do that next time (or maybe Sarah can answer that for us), but I'm hoping that the fact he is "very stable" is a sign that the infection is weakening.

I am so thankful for this good news! Let's pray the progress will continue!


That's awesome news!
WHOOOT! Great news!
- Kelly N
That is wonderful to hear! Keep up the great progress, J-man. I am rooting for you!. Mary
Jeremy – You are in our prayers in New Jersey – Jo Ann shared your story with us – as a result I wanted to post this for you – I sense that a great and rewarding life awaits you and it will be yours for the taking – beautiful horizons will be waiting for you each day with family and friends there to support you - your courage and strength will come from within your personal spirit – a Strength that you will easily awaken – take one day at a time - You most likely heard of the Poem "FOOTPRINTS" - when you have time, it is worth reading - it has a great meaning - may god bless you every day for the rest of your life ------- John NJ
Hey Jeremy, i'm thinking about you a lot man, hang in there, you still have a lot ahead of you, i hope to share some of it with you, hope i can drop by and see you soon, best of luck, take care,
much love,
Edward Hatfield
Wonderful news! God is merciful!
We'll keep praying, Patty and Robb and Sarah.
the Orr's
That is fantastic news! We are so happy for you and your family.
Love, The Armacosts
Colleen-when I left the hospital this evening he did have a slight fever-but it certainly wasn't as high as it has been and his nurse didn't seem concerned. That was at 5:30 and I haven't talked to anyone since. If I find out more I'll post it. It sure was nice to see his whole face now that all the tubes have been moved out of his mouth. It's close to 9:00 so I'm signing off. Thanks for keeping everything updated.
To Jeremy and Family,

I was just made aware of this blog today from Cliff and have read every word tonight in my hotel room. I am so pleased that this has been set up as Jennie and I are constantly thinking and praying for Jeremy.

Now for what I want to say to Mr. and Mrs. Warriner and Sarah. Jeremy has always been a little brother to me as well as a father figure (if that makes sense). He was right behind me at Purdue, followed me as President of RHIT Society, to work at WHI, assingments in Connecticut and Texas, etc. but he was also teaching me lessons along the way. Jeremy was with me in Corpus Christi, TX the night I was called and told my sister was officially not going to make it. I will never forget how he helped keep me clam, helped me pack my suitcase, and prayed with me for my sister and family and drove me to the airport the next morning. He called constantly to make sure I was ok. He was equally supportive via phone during the past few years with my father's situation.
Your son and brother is very special. He has so many people pulling for him including Jennie and I and my entire family. I look forward to visting him during his recover and trying to repay him for all the support he has provided me. I am so terribly sorry this has happened to him and you. May God give you strength to make it one day at a time. Jim Goodman (Purdue Buddy)
this is a great news for all of us!

today around 4am i found some papers about jeremy condition and i could not believe it at all.

i am so so happy you keep doing better and better,god gotta help you because you are a great friend.
Thank God! Keep up the good work Jeremy.
I will be praying for you every night at 9PM and throughout the day.
Prayers for Robb and Patty and Sarah too!
Jo Ann H
I have finally been able to access the blog and am happy to see so many entries.

I am thrilled to hear such positive news. You all deserve this ray of sunshine in what has been such a tumultuous storm of fear and sadness.

Jeremy, you are surrounded by people who love you and will do all they can to help you in your time of need. It will be a long road, but, remember, you don't face it alone.

You and your family probably don't know me because I don't believe we've ever met. I'm a member at North Church. You may have seen me, as my husband Jim & I sing in the choir. We've probably seen you in the congregation, too. But whether we've met or not doesn't matter. You're a part of our North family and we want you to know you're in our prayers. You're making great progress each day and things will get better. You have lots of friends pulling for you. God's blessings! - Jessica White
Its so awesome to hear that your doing better J man. It seems like forever ago that I left your house the morning that your accident happened but everyday I look at this blog and see your getting better. I will be by to see you this week if you are doing ok. Tonight we are all getting together at the old haunt (Bourbon Street) as Cliff and Kelly are comming into town, it will be good to see everyone again but wont be the same without you. You have always been such a good friend to me, when I knew nobody and was getting a divorce from my ex and the only people I knew in Indy, you and Cliff gave me a place to stay and so much more. You gave me freindship and helped me through one of the hardest times of my life, and without both of you I dont know what I would have done. I plan to remind the big red dog (Clifford) of that tongiht but I wanted you to know the same thing, even if you will be reading it later on. Hurry up and get better bud, see you soon.
Dear Warriners All, This is Beth Oaks, Anya's Mother, and I have been keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers several times each day. Also, Jeremy is on our Intercessory Prayer List at St. Paul's. Each time I am at church I light a votive candle for Jeremy and all of you. If I can be of any help please don't hesitate to ask--580-0056. I am aware that there is much family around but sometime a "relative" stranger is more comforting. Goid Bless each of you and Pax. Beth Oaks

We cannot begin to tell you how much we think of you and pray daily for all of your healing.
Our oldest sons (7&4) say a prayer for you at every evening meal and beside their beds at night.
They do this unsolicited by us...
You have given all of us such perspective. It reaches all ages.

Jesus cradles you.
Your spirit is shining and a blessing to all those who know and care about you.
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