Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Quilt Project and Guest Book for Jeremy

Jeremy’s Mom (Patty) wanted to let you all know about the special project that is being put together for Jeremy. Some friends have volunteered to make a quilt from the well wishes of Jeremy’s visitors. If you are able to go to the hospital, please feel free to write a message of encouragement for Jeremy to be added to the quilt.

This also reminds me to mention Jeremy’s guest book. The guest book is in the waiting room and the family would be so appreciative if visitors would leave a note of encouragement for Jeremy in the book. If you’re able to visit the hospital more than once and have already left a note, feel free to just add an entry showing you were there that day.

Thanks everybody,


Hi Jeremy,
I want to be in your guest book with lots of love and encouragement for you. We are all pulling for you. You are in my thoughts through out the day and in prayers as often.
I'm so glad that your family has set up this site for you. You sure will be busy reading for a long time.
Jo Ann Hatfield
Is there someone to contact about the quilt? I am a quilter and would love to make a block for Jeremy.
Jo Ann Hatfield

I'd like to make a block too...what are the details? When is the deadline? I'll be in Indy on 11/18 - 11/20.

Kelly (Witherbee) Nelson
(Purdue Gang)
Sarah, Patty, or Colleen,

My mom and I would like to make a block for the quilt as well. Can you either put some details on this website about it, give me a call, or e-mail me at This is a great idea!

Megen Gaylord
Just wanted you all to know that I have left a message for Patty about your kind offers to help on the quilt. I'll post details on this as soon as I hear back from her.


Colleen Worley
(Jeremy's cousin)
To Sarah, Jeremy, Robb, and Patty-The Warriners are such fantastic people-I owe much to you all! Please know that I think of you all often every day and that you are loved and cared for by so many in IPS.
Sara Jensen
Just talked to Patty, who spoke with the quilter. They have decided that this particular quilt will be made from the folks who are able to come to the hospital to visit. But Patty added that if others would like to group together and make another one, you are more than welcome to. Some who are interested in doing this have left their email addresses on this blog, so maybe you could communicate via email, or even in this comments section, if you'd like, to make arrangements for another quilt.


I would be happy to help in any way with making a quilt for Jeremy.

Sara Jensen
I miss you Jeremy. Hurry home.


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